How do I create a format clock in MusicMaster?
There are several easy ways to create a format clock in MusicMaster:
1. Access the Clocks Menu:
Select “Dataset”, then “Clocks”, and finally “Format Clocks” from the main menu. If you have the Info Bar open, click on the “Clock” tab, then right-click and select “New Format Clock”. Alternatively, if the toolbar is visible, you can simply click on the clock icon.
2. Open Format Clock Maintenance:
When you select either the menu or toolbar option, the “Format Clock Maintenance” box will appear. If you have clocks in your data, they will be listed here.
3. Create a New Clock:
Click “New” in the upper-right corner. A “Format Clock Identification” box will appear. This box appears immediately if you created a new clock from the Info Bar.
4. Identify the Clock:
This is where you give your clock an ID and a description. The clock ID is either a one or two-digit letter or number combination used to identify the clock in your data. The description is the general name you give the clock so you can recognize it at a glance.
5. Edit the Clock:
After you click “OK”, the Clock Editor will open, allowing you to further customize the clock.
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